How Passive Data Drives Better CPG Research Insights

If you aren’t already aware, passive data – as opposed to recalled data – leads to much more accurate monitoring of product consumption when you’re conducting a research study.
Why is that? Well, because human recall is inherently flawed. Just think about how busy, stressed, and tired the average person is nowadays. Now factor in a survey, ANOTHER thing they have to get done on top of everything else. Are you really going to get the accurate insights you need?
Yes, recalled insights can be helpful to a certain extent. However, you’ll simply never be able to get the precise level of measurement needed if only relying on consumer surveys taking weeks, or even days, after the fact as you could if you took advantage of recent research technologies that have been developed. What were the driving forces behind this innovation?
Well, consumption of typical CPG products can be a very tough nut to crack for brands looking to gain an edge over their competition. You know you can’t be behind your consumer’s shoulder at every second of the day, but passive data measurement removes that challenge from the research equation entirely. With the recent technologies that have been developed, you can now know exactly when a consumer uses a product, including how many times per day or week, or at what exact time. You can even know how much they use on any given usage occasion.
Here are a few reasons why businesses need to leverage passive data collection technology in their consumption research.
People Aren’t Always “On”
For some, the home is a peaceful sanctuary from the hectic world outside. For others, especially large families, home can be even more chaotic. For both of these types though, home is likely not a place where they are mindful of every single action they take with the products they use on a regular basis.
Let’s say you just woke up after a long night of little sleep. When you head to the bathroom to start your morning routine, are you really thinking about how much soap you’re using to wash your face? Or how much toothpaste you’re putting on the brush? Of course not, because you’re still barely functional until you get your third cup of joe.
If a parent works from home, are they really going to remember how much dishwasher detergent they used while cramming in some housework in between Zoom calls? Not when they’re focused on meeting a deadline before the end of the day or who is picking up the kids from school.
No Two Days Are the Same
Let’s say you’re developing other personal care products like makeup or hair styling cream. If someone plans on just having a lazy day at home where they’re binging TV shows and ordering pizza delivery, you can probably assume many of them won’t be using as much of those types of products – if they’re using any at all – as they would on a weekend date night.
But let’s say your brand has big ambitions for the coming year. You want to get as granular as possible in search of new growth opportunities. In most cases, even slight changes to design or packaging can lead to millions of dollars of revenue gained – or lost – over a brand’s entire consumer base over a period of time, because those things directly impact the way the consumer is using a product.
Even specific messaging on the product itself – not just the marketing before they buy it – can influence how a consumer integrates it into their lifestyle and routine. Passive data can help you test out different messages with different consumers and see which ones drive more usage occasions.
With so much revenue at stake, with so much competition, and with so many potential new customers out there, you simply can’t be relying on flawed insights. Schedule a personalized demo and check out how QualSights’ Product Consumption Intelligence technology can help your brand find the next growth opportunity.