Mixed Method Research Design

Mix and Match

Who It’s For

When you are looking for deep, nuanced insights that require a blend of methodologies, QualSights offers ultimate flexibility.

Mix and Match

How It Works

Our platform gives you the ability to seamlessly mix and match research methodologies within the same project. You can use various activity templates as a starting point or build from scratch. QualSights gives you the freedom of design so that you are empowered to design your research project exactly as you’d envisioned.

The advantages of mixed methods research are:

Design Freedom

The benefit of mixing multiple methodologies in one study is that you’re maximizing your chances of capturing deep, authentic insights.

Depth of Exploration

You’ll be able to utilize unlimited methodologies to gain unprecedented access to your consumer. You can opt for live or self-moderated probing, leveraging whichever method yields the deepest, most authentic insights, and you can decide how long you’d like your project to last.

Unlimited Access to your Consumer
With this level of flexibility comes unlimited access to your consumer. For example, you will be able to interact with them in real-time, whether they’re online shopping for groceries or cooking a meal in their kitchen. You could also watch video diaries of your consumer narrating their daily skincare routine or meal prep preferences. These are just a few of the options available to you, and the possibilities are truly endless!

Mix and Match

Since all our methodologies blend seamlessly together, you’ll never have to worry about how to combine different forms of research into one study. With a mixed method research design, you’ll still have access to our powerful suite of AI tools that help you find and analyze the moments that matter fast, regardless of methodology.