Qualsights Precision IHUTS – How Smart Coasters Work

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Market researchers rely on in-home usage tests, or IHUTs, to make critical product decisions related to innovation, renovation, marketing, and strategy.

But due to a variety of factors, traditional IHUTs often yield unreliable insights that result in costly mistakes. With so much riding on these major product decisions, brands can’t afford to work with inaccurate consumer usage data. This need for better and deeper insights led QualSights to develop a solution, the next generation of usage testing – Precision IHUTs.

Precision IHUTs utilize cloud-connected, “always-on” coaster-shaped sensors – also known as Smart Coasters – which track with exceptional accuracy when and how people interact with a product. These sensors track:

  • Consumption of each usage occasion to less than one gram of accuracy.
  • Frequency of each usage occasion with specific date and time stamps.
  • Duration of each usage occasion.
  • Location of the coaster within a person’s home.

Download this infographic to learn how QualSights’ innovative Smart Coaster technology works!


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